lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Message for World Poetry Day.

Poetry has a thousand faces and always springs 
from the depths of the culture of peoples. The 
United Nations Educational, Scientific and 
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has long 
supported the work of poets, publishers and 
teachers worldwide. This year, once again, on the
 occasion of World Poetry Day, UNESCO wishes 
to highlight the artistic importance and the power 
of poetry in encouraging people to read and in creating one of 
humanity’s most authentic and dynamic art forms.
Poets convey a timeless message. They are often key witness to 
history’s great political and social changes. Their writings inspire us 
to build lasting peace in our minds, to rethink relations between man 
and nature and to establish humanism founded on the uniqueness 
and diversity of peoples. This is a difficult task, requiring the 
participation of all, whether in schools, libraries or cultural institutions. 
To quote the poet Tagore, the 150th anniversary of whose birth will be 
celebrated this year, “I have spent my days in stringing and unstringing 
my instrument”.
It is important to understand the strong ties between poetry and all of 
the arts and techniques on which people draw to make sense of the 
world. Mallarmé used to say that poetry was the “expression, in human 
language restored to its essential rhythm, of the mysterious meaning of 
the aspects of existence”. Poetry is not merely a means of 
communicating or transmitting information, for, as poets work constantly 
on the language, poetry also enlivens human discourse and always 
reveals the original brilliance of culture. UNESCO therefore sees the 
defence of freedom of expression and information, on one hand, and 
the promotion of poetry, on the other, as two indissociable components 
of its mandate for peace. As poetry reaches deeply into the innermost 
efforts of men and women to create and reflect, it has the capacity to 
sustain dialogue amid the diversity of human expression.
UNESCO undertakes to ensure, under its various programmes, that 
poetry is more widely published, translated and disseminated. In the 
same way as Jason entrusted Orpheus with the task of surmounting 
obstacles that could not be overcome through physical strength or 
warfare, so too shall we need poetry for a long time in order to build 
peace in the minds of men and women.

Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
Message for World Poetry Day
21 March 2011

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